Floor Mat Wandering Detection System
The floor mat wandering detection system is a system whereby should a person place weight on a mat, a signal is sent to a care provider that a patient has left their bed and may be in need of attention.

•The mat is connected wirelessly to two receivers. One main repeater and one pager which is worn on the wrist of the individual supervising the patient.
•A signal is primarily transmitted to the main repeater, and secondarily to the portable pager. An alarm is sounded informing the guardian that weight has been applied to the mat.
•Battery operated, meaning that the mat can be placed anywhere that is needed without restriction.
•An added component of a paging bell can also be linked to the system. This is pressed by the patient who requires assistance and sends a signal to the two receivers.
•The number of times that the alarm sounds once weight is applied to it is customisable and it is possible to set it to alarm from 1 to 999 times.
•The floor mat wandering system is simple to use and is beneficial for caregivers to keep track of an individual and ensuring that they can quickly come to their assistance should a situation arise.
•The floor mat and controller are battery operated, meaning that the mat can be placed anywhere that is needed without restriction.
•The floor mat wandering system is simple to use and is beneficial for caregivers to keep track of an individual and ensuring that they can quickly come to their assistance should a situation arise.
•Installation costs are minimal due to the wireless aspect of the system.
•Ensures patients are looked after and attended to as soon as an issue may arise