Cashless Manager Module
The Manager Module is a web based management and reporting tool for complete control of your cashless environment.
The system offers a full web based solution for single or multi site operations and allows the user to monitor sales and trends from the dashboard.

Arrange Till Layouts from the back office
Control and Reconcile Securely on the go via Web Enabled Devices
Configurable and Exportable Reports Included as Standard
Full Financial Audit Reconciliation Tool and Money Manager
Central Database Controlling EPoS, Cashless, Cardholders and Users
Card Management and Administration Functionality
Complete User Profile and Function Access Control for Device, Sales Area, Location, and Estate Operations
Scalable – Multi Site, Multi Country, Multi Currency and Multi Language
Data Import/Export Facilities for Integrations to Sales Item, Pricing Management and Stock Solutions
Monitor you sales and trends from the dashboard
The system is ISO 27001 Accredited Data Centre and PCI DSS Compliant Payment System.